"How to Getting the Best Looking Lawn?" is asked by People that Want a Home with Curb Appeal! This question has many variations to attain the most beautiful lawn that's full, lush green, and healthy. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. How to...
Helpful Tips
Brown Patch: A Common Lawn Disease in Florida
What is a Brown Patches? Brown patch is a turfgrass disease caused by a fungus called Rhizoctonia solani. It is most common in Florida during the fall and winter months when temperatures are cooler and higher humidity. Brown patches typically start as small, circular...
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program Collins Lawn and Shrub & Tree Care refer to the Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program, which contains various plants from a broad perspective. This database includes plant names, details, and pictures. Our new website doesn’t...