We know Florida’s landscape. In Tampa Bay, Florida Landscape can be described as the diversity of grasses (all St. Augustine varieties, Zoysia, or Bermuda), tropical plants, trees from oaks to rain trees, different types of palms, and various other tropical plants. Some are native, while others are transplants requiring special care to thrive in our area.
Collins’ owner and founder, Wes, has over 30 years plus of experience with Florida horticulture and Florida Landscape. Collins Lawn and Shrub Care LLC have served the Tampa Bay area for over 20 years. We understand the assortment of plants, the humid Florida climate that can be very hot, unexpected seasonal temperature changes, and the effects of drought and hurricanes.
Over the years, we have delivered the best landscape results by using our expert know-how, extensive hands-on experience, and constantly improving our services. Collin retains its know-how as our Best Practices so that we can work smarter, not harder. We have learned the best techniques to encourage plant growth and the right methods to be more effective with greater efficiency. Our practices are proven and established business advantages to get the best results and differentiate us from the competition.
Collins follows Landscape Maintenance Best Management Practices, BMP. BMPs are procedures that encourage healthy yards and prevent excess nutrients from entering our storm drains and polluting our waterways. Collins firmly supports BMP and has integrated it into our “Best Practices”.
We specialize in landscape care to grow and maintain healthy: lawns, shrubs, trees, palms, flower beds, ornamental plants, and all types of tropical plants. Collins uses high-quality fertilizer and pest and disease control products that we have already tested for many years for effectiveness and safety. Our treatment involves proactive and scheduled regular care services and corrective actions to solve specific issues. We apply fertilization, pest, disease & weed control, and other landscape products at the right time and according to the manufacturers’ instructions and Florida State Law.